
jamieonbenchccuJamie Morgan Mychael Bratton-McNeeley was born May 24, 1996.
One month shy of his sixth birthday, April 24, 2002, Jamie was killed in a car crash.

In 2003, a committee of family and friends formed to continue Jamie’s legacy. The group decided to create a memorial fund through the San Diego Foundation. We transferred the balance of the donations that were made in Jamie’s name when the tragedy first struck. We continue to receive donations over time. Some have made this part of their regular giving and tithe. This is the published bio in the San Diego Foundations Annual Report for Jamie’s Joy Memorial Fund (where we originally held the fund):

Elene and Mychael established the Jamie’s Joy Fund in memory of their 5-year-old son, Jamie, who was killed in a tragic auto accident. Instantly they knew that instead of flowers, family and friends could make contributions to a memorial fund that would honor Jamie through its giving. Thus the Jamie’s Joy Fund was created in loving memory of a boy whose life and good works were cut short on the physical plane, but whose spirit continues to inspire and give. The fund seeks to enrich the lives of all living beings by supporting activities and organizations that promote joy, love, connection and peace- attributes expressing the best of Jamie.

Jamie was very young, but a very enlightened child who touched all who knew him. He was and is the type of person who could change the world, to make it a better place. Perhaps Thoreau described the mission best when he said, “On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us that task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend’s life also, in our own, to the world.”

It is the intention of the committee to give an annual donation at the time of Jamie’s Birthday in May to a non-profit organization through the San Diego Foundation in Jamie’s name. You can be part of his ongoing living legacy.

Jamie’s Joy Memorial Fund

The friends and family of Jamie Morgan Mychael Bratton-McNeeley have created an opportunity for the spirit and essence of Jamie to continue through our gifts to non-profit organizations along these guiding principles.

Jamie’s Joy Memorial Fund Guiding Principles

Joy – promoting Jamie’s contagious child-centered joy

Love – promoting Jamie’s unconditional love through giving to organizations that open people’s lives through providing greater possibilities from the practical to the spiritual

Connection – promoting Jamie’s ability to bring people of diverse backgrounds together in a way that promotes compassion and harmony

Peace – promoting Jamie’s strong sense of spirit and harmony by giving to groups whose mission is to promote peace between individuals and communities without regard to race, ideology, or religious affiliation

What Would Jamie do?

Would Jamie like it?

Jamie’s Joy Mission Statement:

Our mission is to honor the life of Jamie Morgan Mychael Bratton-McNeeley by enriching the lives of all living beings through supporting activities and organizations that promote joy, love, connection, and peace.


You give to Jamie, he continues to give to the world.

Thank you!