Expressing Feelings and Thoughts Of Loss
On a sheet of paper (or print this sheet) use the following format to help facilitate your own thoughts and expressions.
The sentences can be used a guides to get you started.
Dear _____________________,
In losing you, I have lost…
When I think of you, I remember…..
What you meant to me is……
What I miss about you is…
I appreciate you for…
Pleasant times I remember with you are…
I respect…..
I am angry at you for….
I feel hurt/ disappointment/ shame when…
I feel lonely/fear when…
I feel guilty about…
I regret….
I forgive you for….
I forgive myself for…
The hardest thing about letting go is……
Losing you has changed me is this way….
What I will always cherish about you is…..
What I will do differently in my life because I have known you is…..
What I have learned from you is…….