Finding My Way Home
So lost
For such a long time
Unsure where to go
Or who is safe?
Winding many roads
Trails leading no where
Empty spaces inside myself
Clinging for dear and un-welcomed life
A life once so full
Then suddenly desolate, arid, crusted
Nothing remained or continued
A mirage
But alas, something shoots up
A small bud of newness
reaching up toward the sky
My body alive
Aching, longing from inside
Tingling comes back into my spirit
My heart beats a little faster
Your love allows me to once again join the flow
I feel
I want
I desire
I am finding my way home
Through you toward myself
My heart unwrapped
My love released
You enter my soul
I am complete
We take communion
We slowly sip each other in
So close
I cling to you
I can’t lose myself again
I have found my way home
We know it’s not forever
But while we are together
We nurture each other back to life
Reclaiming the glory
of our spirit here on earth
We are finding ourselves
in the loving mirror
of one another’s sweet face
Inspired by experiences at Adults of Unity Retreat and Summer Camp for Grown-ups July 2006
Copyright 2006 Elene Bratton