The Labyrinth
Skipping Joy
Your essence so clear
my eye is on the prize
so close
but whisked away
another detour
I reach the Center
I reach into my self
I find you
in every fiber you are there
You are Me
I AM You
so connected
so separated
by the absence of your body
I exit
fast. slow I move
along life’s trail
and then suddenly
it’s the end
I look back
it’d a mosaic
an ebb and flow
a tapestry of life
something so special
ripped from it
but still together
dare I say
rich, deep, whole
always sad and
longing but connected
You are with me now
The JDF Mom’s Night Out and the Children’s Hospital Parent Support group joined together for a very powerful experience. We walked the Labyrinth at Episcopalian Church under candlelight and in silence, for our children, for our motherhood, for ourselves. It was moving and deep and connecting. We all felt the love of our children and each other as we shared this space. Afterwards we enjoyed dinner at a local Italian restaurant and made more connections just chatting. It was very healing to be with other mom’s and to enlarge our circle. We look forward to the next event in June. The poem was written during reflective time we each took after exiting the Labyrinth.
May 2004
copyright 2004 Elene Bratton